The Benefits of Oxygen Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the motor control centre of the developing brain and can occur during pregnancy, during childbirth or after birthing up to about age three. Sometimes a form of CP may be accompanied by epilepsy marked by muscular impairment. Often accompanied by poor coordination, it sometimes involves speech and learning difficulties. “Cerebral” refers to brain and “palsy” refers to a disorder of movement or posture. Symptoms may vary from total inability to control body movements, to only slight impairment.
Your brain is one of the hungriest organs in your body when it comes to consuming oxygen. It is only about 3% of your body weight yet it uses a whopping 20% of the oxygen you breathe. It is very sensitive to decreases in oxygen – and that’s why strokes, cerebral palsy, and other brain disorders are so disabling – because, at some time, for a few moments, brain cells were damaged when they didn’t receive enough oxygen. Oxygen deprivation can happen at any time during the pregnancy; babies are more likely to be harmed by it when in the womb. Tearing or rupturing of the uterus can cause oxygen deprivation, so can damage to the placenta or umbilical cord. Lack of oxygen is also caused when the mother’s blood pressure drops too low. Other cases are caused by injuries to the developing brain, such as a foetal stroke.
Contrary to common belief, few cases of cerebral palsy are caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the foetus during labour and delivery Motor skills such as writing, typing, or using scissors might be affected, as well as balance, especially while walking. It is common for individuals to have difficulty with visual and/or auditory processing. Spastic CP is the most common type and is caused by damage to the motor cortex. Spastic muscles are tight and stiff, which limit movement. Cerebral palsy is not a curable condition, but early detection is important so that even infants can begin therapy to maximize their abilities and potential. No doctor willingly commits medical malpractice, but what families must face caused by a doctor’s negligence is quite unfair. Bringing up a child with CP can be very financially challenging for any parent. It is important to visit doctors that are qualified and known to pay adequate attention to their patient’s needs. Some common causes of cerebral palsy are limited oxygen to the brain during the birthing process, brain infections that occur early in life, head injuries such as falls, or shaken baby syndrome.
Because oxygen makes up such a large percentage of our body, when we become deficient in oxygen, we become ill because the body cannot defend itself from germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Between 40% and 50% of all children who develop cerebral palsy were born prematurely. Premature infants are vulnerable, in part because their organs are not fully developed, increasing the risk of hypoxic injury to the brain that may manifest as Cerebral Palsy. Children with cerebral palsy are at risk of learned helplessness and becoming passive communicators, initiating little communication. Early intervention with this often targets situations in which children communicate with others, so that they learn that they can control people and objects in their environment through this communication, including making choices, decisions and mistakes.
Cerebral palsy is not a progressive disease, meaning that the damage to the brain will not get worse. Oxygen targets the abnormalities of brain function. This offers an exciting new approach for treatment of CP. Evidence from around the globe is now accumulating providing strong support for the use of oxygen therapy as an approach to the actual underlying problem in children with cerebral palsy — a technique which targets the abnormalities of brain function. The use of Oxygen Therapy in cerebral palsy offers an exciting new therapeutic approach for the treatment of cerebral palsy. The rationale behind using Mega Oxygen is that the treatment increases cerebral blood flow and thus oxygen is delivered to areas of the brain, which are thought to be oxygen deficient Greater amounts of blood and oxygen begin to stimulate cerebral tissues and aid in recovery of idling neurons.
Oxygen Therapy is currently being used off-label to treat many neurological disorders. The most common conditions that respond to oxygen therapy are: autism, cerebral palsy, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and toxic brain injury. Oxygen Therapy is also used by athletes for sports conditioning, as well as to speed up healing from injuries because it improves their performance and injury recovery. After extensive studies were conducted, it has been found out that a human brain on receiving Oxygen Therapy treatment starts secreting serotonin that helps create a sense of peace. Proper oxygenation helps battle with toxins. As the toxins release from our body, our organs tend to function better offering optimal functional abilities. For example, parents of children who have taken the treatments say their children are more flexible, can communicate better, eat on their own and rest more peacefully.
From experience, we can tell you of a lady that had seizures at least 3 times daily – and from day 1 of using Mega Oxygen™, there were no more seizures. Typically, treatment for children with cerebral palsy has been directed at the physical manifestations of the underlying problem. Most efforts are directed at increasing the ranges of motion, reducing spasticity, and increasing strength, along with specific therapies designed to enhance communication skills and academic performance.